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更新:2024-05-20 12:00:28



美[tʃoʊk]  英[tʃəʊk]vi.  窒息;阻塞;说不出话vt.  使窒息;阻塞;抑制;使说不出话n.  窒息;阻塞;阻风门  过去式:choked  过去分词:choked  现在分词:choking  第三人称单数:chokes  近义词:suffocate,strangle,clog,stifle,smother,muffle,throttle,congest,garrotte,garrote,obstruct,block,stopup,freezeup,tighten,weep,gasp,wellup,silence,damp,stem,mug,gag,asphyxiate,buythefarm,decease,exit,passaway,chokeoff,chokecoil,perish,foul,scrag,kickthebucket,backup,die,dropdead,cashinone"schips,snuffit,pass,conk,croak,go,popoff,fret,chokingcoil,expire,breathe,


  1. 窒息
  2. 噎,哽,哽噎
  3. 阻气门,节气门,阻风门
  4. 汽油引擎的空气调节装置
  5. 阻塞,拥塞
  6. 闭塞部
  7. 【无线电】扼流圈
  8. 调节闸门
  9. 长通道节流
  10. 轮档
  11. 【机】阻塞门
  12. 哽噎声
  1. (使)窒息,(使)闷死,扼(喉),使透不过气来,使不能呼吸,呼吸困难
  2. 哽(住),噎(住),哽噎,塞住,说不出话来
  3. 阻止(生长),妨止,扼止
  4. (受)阻塞,(被)堵塞,填塞,受阻,塞住
  5. 扑灭(火),减(火)
  6. 压住
  7. 【机】阻塞...的气门
  8. 使闭气,使闷塞
  9. 绞死,勒绞
  10. 干死(植物)
  11. 抑制(情感)
  12. 因紧张而失灵
  13. 掐死,扼死
  14. 失去镇静,乱了步骤,惊慌失措,变得手忙脚乱
  15. 无法储存输入的信息(计算机用语)
  16. 失败


  1. vt. & vi. 填塞 be blocked or congested; fill up or block
  2. vt. & vi. (使)窒息 stop sb"s breathing (by pressing or blocking the windpipe, or of smoke, etc. by being unfit to breathe)


  1. a coil of low resistance and high inductance used in electrical circuits to pass direct current and attenuate alternating current
  2. a valve that controls the flow of air into the carburetor of a gasoline engine
  1. breathe with great difficulty, as when experiencing a strong emotion;

    "She choked with emotion when she spoke about her deceased husband"

  2. be too tight; rub or press;

    "This neckband is choking the cat"

  3. wring the neck of;

    "The man choked his opponent"

  4. constrict (someone"s) throat and keep from breathing
  5. struggle for breath; have insufficient oxygen intake;

    "he swallowed a fishbone and gagged"

  6. fail to perform adequately due to tension or agitation;

    "The team should have won hands down but choked, disappointing the coach and the audience"

  7. check or slow down the action or effect of;

    "She choked her anger"

  8. become or cause to become obstructed;

    "The leaves clog our drains in the Fall" "The water pipe is backed up"

  9. impair the respiration of or obstruct the air passage of;

    "The foul air was slowly suffocating the children"

  10. become stultified, suppressed, or stifled;

    "He is suffocating--living at home with his aged parents in the small village"

  11. suppress the development, creativity, or imagination of;

    "His job suffocated him"

  12. pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life;

    "She died from cancer" "The children perished in the fire" "The patient went peacefully" "The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102"

  13. reduce the air supply;

    "choke a carburetor"

  14. cause to retch or choke


  1. bone chokes sb骨头把…哽住
  1. choke the life out of sb把某人勒死〔闷死〕
  1. choke almost差点哽住
  2. choke fatally致命地哽住
  3. choke furiously狂怒地阻塞
  4. choke horribly极讨厌地哽噎
  5. choke mortally可能阻塞
  6. choke murderously致命地闷人
  7. choke painfully疼痛地哽人
  8. choke partially部分阻塞
  9. choke back忍住,抑制
  10. choke back one"s anger忍气吞声
  11. choke back one"s tears忍住眼泪
  12. choke down忍住,抑制
  13. choke down one"s anger忍气吞声
  14. choke down a sob强忍住哭泣
  15. choke off噎死; 使中止,使放弃
  16. choke off discussion中止讨论
  17. choke off opposition压制住反对
  18. choke out one"s anger忍气吞声
  19. choke up塞住,堵住; 使闷死; 充满
  20. choke chimney up塞住烟囱
  21. choke up the drain-pipe堵塞下水道
  22. choke up with用…塞,阻塞
  23. choke up with dirt用脏东西堵塞
  24. choke up with furniture(房间)塞满家具
  25. choke up with people挤满人
  26. choke up with soot用烟灰堵塞住
  1. choke at sb"s words对某人的话很气愤
  2. choke by smoke给烟呛住了
  3. choke sb into unconsciousness把某人窒息得失去知觉
  4. choke to death窒息而死
  5. choke with emotion激动地哽住
  6. choke with smoke给烟呛了


  1. She looked like she was going to choke.她看起来仿佛都要窒息了。
  2. She found it hard to choke down her anger.她感到难以压下心中的怒火。
  3. She choked with emotion.她激动得说不出话来。
  1. Very small toys can choke a baby.很小的玩具可使婴儿窒息。
  2. You have to choke the engine when it is cold.当发动机冷却的时候,你要阻塞住它的气门。
  3. The plant will soon choke ponds and waterways if left unchecked.如不控制这种植物的生长,池塘和水道很快就要被阻塞。
  4. She kept talking and nobody could choke her off.她说个不停,没人能阻止她。
  5. Anger choked his words.他气得说不出话来。
  1. Very small toys can choke a baby.很小的玩具可使婴儿窒息。
  2. She looked like she was going to choke.她看起来仿佛都要窒息了。
  3. Horse"s narrow esophagus stenosis results in repeated choke.马的食道狭窄,常常引起食道阻塞。
  4. The automatic choke includes a thermostatic spring and a vacuum piston.自动阻风门包括一个恒温控制弹簧和一个真空活塞。


    choke的基本意思是指在吃东西时由于咽喉阻塞、堵塞或极度刺激而咽不下去了,即“噎住”,引申可表示河流“阻塞”,人的呼吸“窒息”等。 choke表示“哽”“噎”时,是不及物动词; 表示“阻塞”“窒息”时是及物动词,跟简单宾语。
